August Reflections: Moments, Rituals, and Simple Pleasures

August started with a welcome change—from the thick, humid air to that dry warmth I love so much. It felt like a gentle nudge from nature, reminding me that the intense heat of summer will eventually soften. As the earth takes a deep breath, I find myself doing the same. My mornings have been anchored by my matcha ritual. There’s something about whisking that vibrant green powder into a frothy drink that feels grounding. It’s not just a drink—it’s a moment of calm before the day unfolds, helping me set a peaceful tone that I carry with me.

Nature has been especially generous this August. The deer have been more frequent visitors, moving gracefully through our yard, and the porch has become a favorite hangout for hummingbirds. These tiny birds bring so much joy. A sweet little nuthatch even settled back into the tree opposite our house. These moments remind me that we share this earth with so many other beings, each with their own rhythm.

In the kitchen, I’ve been loving our protein pancakes and a simple almond cookie recipe that’s become a bit of a staple. It’s easy to make with just a few ingredients—almond flour, maple syrup, and coconut oil—but these cookies are so satisfying. They’re softer than your typical shortbread, with a chewy center and crispy edges. Perfect for a quiet afternoon with a cup of tea—a little treat that feels like a warm hug.

For wellness, I’ve kept up with my breathwork practice through the Othership app, especially in the evenings. It’s become an essential part of my routine, helping me calm my nervous system and prepare for a restful sleep. I’ve also been making an effort to get more steps in each day, just reconnecting with my body and the world around me in simple ways. These small practices have made a noticeable difference in how I feel, bringing a sense of balance and peace to my days.

As the month went on, I found a few new treasures for my skincare routine. The drier weather called for a change, and I discovered some products that have quickly become essentials. The seabiotic water cream from Osea has been a game-changer for these drier days—light and hydrating, like a cool breeze for my skin. In the evenings, I’ve been using the Dime cleansing balm + tbt serum, which has been perfect for winding down and nourishing my skin. Incorporating these into my routine feels like an extension of the self-care practices that are so important to me, especially during this time of year.

I’ve been diving back into Mists of Avalon, and it’s been such a joy to revisit. The book is filled with magic and honesty, and it’s empowering in a way that’s hard to put into words. It’s like catching up with an old friend who reminds you of your own inner strength. There’s a timelessness to the story that really resonates with me. We took a week off this month and spent it at Lake Arthur, which was a happy coincidence with my reading! Swimming in the wild water felt like pure soul medicine. The lake was clear and cool, and as I played in the water, I felt a deep sense of peace. It was exactly what I needed.

Creatively, August has been a great month. The energy of the sun always brings out the best in me, and I’ve poured so much of that energy into writing for our membership: Kinship with Nature. I’m excited to share it all with you. There’s a certain clarity that comes with this time of year, a sense of alignment that allows creativity to flow effortlessly. Being a sun child at heart, the warmth of August always fuel my work in ways that feel joyful and purposeful.

As the month draws to a close, I’m still in love with the summer scent from Ffern but eagerly waiting for the autumn scent to drop. It’s a beautiful, organic perfume that captures the essence of the season. I’ve also been diffusing patchouli and black spruce at home, creating a grounding and refreshing atmosphere. This month, I made a hair spritz with neroli and petitgrain, and it’s been a little burst of happiness every time I use it.

As August wraps up, I’m feeling grateful for these moments of connection, creativity, and simple pleasures. With the cicadas singing their song at night, I’ve been sleeping with the windows open, letting the sounds of nature lull me to sleep. There’s nothing quite like it. It’s been a month of renewal, aligning with the rhythms of nature and my own inner cycles, and I’m looking forward to carrying this energy into the months ahead.


The hidden energies in your home: how to create a space of peace and well-being.


Ethiopian Herbal Teff Bread