Connecting with my inner spirit.

Here are some of the techniques that help me when I feel out of touch with my true self and inner wisdom.

Creating space for connection.

One of the first things I do is creating a peaceful environment where I can really connect with myself. I find a quiet spot, my own little sanctuary away from all the noise and distractions. It can be as simple as a cozy corner in my house, a serene place in nature, or just a room where I feel calm and comfortable.

To set the mood, I make sure to create a relaxing atmosphere. I have soft lighting, soothing music, and some lovely scents like sage, incense or essential oils to really help me ground. I also have what I call “moments of mindfulness” and I do things like deep breathing exercises, body scans, and even mindful walks to quiet down my thoughts and bring myself fully into the present moment.

Techniques for inner exploration.

Now, let's talk about the techniques that are really helpful to explore our inner world. Meditation is a game-changer for me. I'm trying different styles like guided meditation, guided visualization, and affirmation meditation. Starting with shorter sessions, I'm gradually increasing the time as I get more comfortable with it. Journaling has become my trusty companion on this journey. I dedicate some time to pour my thoughts, feelings, and insights onto the pages of my journal. It's amazing to see what comes up as I reflect on my writing when I feel out of alignment.

If you know me, than you know that nature plays a big role in my connection with my inner spirit. I take walks in the woods, sit by the river, or simply spend time in a park. Just being in nature and fully immersing myself in its beauty helps me feel so connected. It's like nature has its own wisdom to share with me. And hey, don't forget about intuitive practices. Oracle card readings, dancing or intuitive movement, singing, and intuitive art can help you to tap into your inner guidance and deepen the connection with yourself.

Nurturing the inner spirit.

Okay, let's talk about how to keep nurturing the inner spirit along the way. Self-reflection is really powerful, I set aside regular time to really dig deep within myself. I ask myself meaningful questions, explore my values and beliefs, and identify areas where I want to grow and transform. It's a powerful way to get to know yourself better. Gratitude has become a daily practice that completely shifted my perspective. I express gratitude for all the blessings in my life. Sometimes, I jot them down in a gratitude journal, and other times, I just take a moment to reflect on what I'm thankful for. This simple practice helps me manifest my dreams and it keeps me focused on the positive things in life.

I surround myself with inspiration in the form of books, podcasts, music, and artwork that uplift and resonate with me. They become my companions on this journey, guiding me, sparking my creativity, and strengthening my intuition. It feels so good to make decisions based on my own knowing. It empowers me to live authentically and follow my true path.

Remember that you have all the wisdom within you and that you are worthy and loved.


Farmers market day.


Embracing the colors of sensitivity.