Where the rhythms of the earth, meet the rhythms of the soul.

Let me take you on a journey into the heart of our Kinship with Nature membership, where the rhythms of the earth meet the rhythms of the soul.

This isn’t just a membership—it’s a space born from my love of nature, community, and the kind of magic that happens when we slow down and reconnect with what matters most. It’s like planting a garden, tending to it, and watching it grow—not just with flowers or herbs, but with meaningful connections and moments of clarity. I’ve dreamed of creating a place where we could explore the rhythms of the natural world together, and that dream is finally blooming.

I wanted to create something that isn’t about perfection or hustle. Instead, it’s about aligning with the seasons, tuning into the quiet wisdom around us, and finding joy in the little things—a morning ritual with a cup of tea, a walk in the woods, or a moment of reflection under the moon. It’s a space for slowing down, breathing deeply, and realizing that we’re already connected to everything we need.

Inside, you’ll find more than just guides and rituals—it’s a cozy portal designed to inspire and ground you. Each month brings fresh energy and seasonal insights, from practical activities to deeper reflections. You’ll explore energy guides, moon readings, seasonal rituals, and special courses designed to align with the elements and the cycles of nature. But the real magic isn’t just in the content—it’s in the way everything gently weaves together to help you create moments of meaning throughout your days.

This space is also about community. We gather in our Circle app, a cozy online space where you can share thoughts, ask questions, or simply show up as you are. I pop in multiple times a week with little reflections, and it’s always open for conversations, inspiration, or those beautiful moments when someone shares a photo of the sky from their morning walk.

What I love most about this membership is that it’s not about doing more—it’s about being more. Being more present, more connected, more in tune with the earth and with yourself. The seasonal rhythms guide us, and everything inside the portal is designed to help you find that rhythm in your own life, in your own way. You don’t have to follow every guide or complete every activity—just start where you are, follow what resonates, and trust that it’s enough.

We’ve already shared some beautiful moments—diving into the world of mushrooms, aligning with the moon’s energy, and exploring herbal practices. And there’s so much more to come. Each month, we build on what we’ve learned, growing together and deepening our connection to the earth and each other.

If you’ve ever felt that quiet yearning to step away from the noise of the world and reconnect with the natural rhythm of things, this space is for you. It’s not a place for pressure or perfection—it’s a place for you. Whether you join us for a single moon or dive deep and become part of our growing community, know that you’re welcome here just as you are. And if you ever find yourself wandering through the portal, the Circle community is always open—come say hi and share a little bit of your world with us.


The hidden energies in your home: how to create a space of peace and well-being.