Finding closure in the year’s end.

As the year draws to a close, it’s a natural time for introspection and seeking harmony with the cycles of nature. This post will guide you through practices and life views rooted in the rhythm of the seasons, offering journal prompts and a card spread for aligning with the year’s end.

Reflecting with the Seasons

Nature, in its infinite wisdom, teaches us about cycles of growth, decay, and renewal. As the winter solstice passes and the days begin to lengthen, we too can embrace this period of quiet growth and renewal.

Journal Prompt:

  • “What are the lessons I learned from the ‘seasons’ I experienced this year?”

  • “In what ways did I grow and what do I need to let go of as the new year approaches?”

Winter is a time of darkness, which offers us a unique opportunity for inner exploration. This darkness is not to be feared but embraced as a period of rest and introspection before the rejuvenation of spring.

Journal Prompt:

  • “What inner shadows did I confront this year and how have they shaped me?”

  • “How can I use the quiet of winter to nurture my inner light?”

Nature’s Slow Pace

Unlike the constant rush of modern life, nature understands the importance of slowness and rest. As the year ends, slow down and align with this natural pace.

Journal Prompt:

  • “Where can I slow down in my life and how can this bring me peace?”

  • “What are the small joys I observed in nature this year that brought me solace?”

Year-End Tarot/Oracle Card Spread:

Engage in a reflective tarot/oracle card spread to gain insights and guidance for the upcoming year. Here’s a simple spread for year-end alignment:

  • Card 1: The main lesson from the past year.

  • Card 2: What to release as the year ends.

  • Card 3: What to embrace in the coming year.

  • Card 4: How to align with the natural rhythms in the upcoming year.

  • Card 5: A message from your higher self for the new year.

As we conclude another trip around the sun, let’s take the time to align ourselves with nature’s teachings. Through reflection, embracing the cycles of the seasons, and slowing down, we can find closure and prepare for a rejuvenating new year.

Final Journal Prompt:

  • “What intentions do I want to set for the new year, inspired by nature’s cycles?”

May this process bring you peace, insight, and alignment as you bid farewell to this year and welcome the next with open arms and a grounded spirit. Wishing you all a beautiful year’s end.

With love, Iris & Rolf


January stove-top simmer pot.


A nature-inspired winter solstice ceremony