The darkest and coldest new moon of them all.
The darkest and coldest new moon of them all, the New cold moon. I am always reminded how deep I can go in life by following the rhythms of the environment around me.
Each moment. Each season.
When the lovely Iris asked me to write this article a year ago, I figured by now I’d surely be sitting in my cozy cottage, perfectly prepared with a coffee in hand to sit and write about living a slow, intentional life.

Slowness under the ‘falling leaves moon’.
Slowness brings you closer to the present moment. Closer to truth. It allows you to really feel the edges of life instead of blindly plowing through your days mindlessly, missing all the nectar of the fruit.

Slow living morning routine.
The beauty of taking care of myself is that it can be done in moments and small actions. These moments became practices, and the small actions became rituals.

Whispers of the night sky; embracing our yin energy.
As the sun dips below the horizon, I'm naturally drawn to embracing the yin side of my day. Will you join me, under this blue new moon, through the dusky hours, the starlit night, the realm of dreams, and the awakening dawn?

The time of abundance.
Summer, how I longed for you and the life that you bring, during the long, cold days of winter. To step outside and be greeted by birdsong, to feel the warmth of the sun on my face, and smell the scent of fresh blossoms on a passing breeze.

Farmers market day.
No matter where I travel, I make a point to find the farmers’ market. This is where I really get to know the land. The people. The local delicacies tended by honest hands.

Heirophany and the Moon.
I stepped barefoot out of the kitchen door, my feet landing softly on the wet concrete, the air smelling of Earth + rain, the perfect petrichor that only the Spring season can carry.

A Time for Growth, Slow and Seasonal Living in the Flower Moon.
The Flower Moon is a symbol of growth, renewal, and transformation, encouraging us to seek balance and harmony in our lives by surrounding ourselves with natural elements.

Slowing down under the New Pink Moon.
Learning to manage the emotions of two adults and liaise between them and trying to pacify every tense situation surely lent itself to my adult programming.

The dark before dawn, February’s new worm moon.
While many people find much joy and hope and excitement in the coming spring energy, I find it hard to say goodbye to the dreamy, mystical energy of winter. I am a contemplative old soul, more suited to the dark, earthy energy of autumn and winter.

Dreaming + conceiving intentions under the New Snow Moon.
If the earth laughs in flowers, then it surely dreams in snow. On the first dark moon of the new year, that’s where you’ll find me - dreaming and conceiving intentions in my greenhouse for another slow and seasonal year.

A year of slow living.
One of the biggest lessons for me last year was allowing myself to slow down. Really slow down, so my spirit could rest and recharge. Making space to get back into alignment with who I am and what makes me happy.