My daily coffee recipe, a ritual for the soul.
There’s something magical about that first cup of coffee in the morning. The rich aroma filling the air, the gentle warmth cradled between your hands it’s ritual that invites you to be present.

Ethiopian Herbal Teff Bread
Teff bread is a delicious and nutritious alternative to traditional wheat bread. Made from teff flour, this bread is gluten-free and packed with nutrients.

Boost Your Immunity with Astragalus-Infused Honey
Combining the immune-boosting properties of astragalus with the natural goodness of honey creates a potent elixir that not only tastes delightful but also serves as a health-boosting tonic.

Schisandra Galaxy Gummies
These Schisandra gummies are a visually stunning treat that resembles a galaxy. The dark purple and red hues of the tart cherry juice, combined with the stark white of the raw cream, create a swirling, otherworldly effect.

The importance of an evening ritual + wind down elixir recipe.
We all have busy days, and it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life. However, taking the time to establish an evening ritual can be incredibly beneficial for our mental and physical health.

My favorite tonic herbs & mushrooms.
I'm excited to share with you some amazing tonic herbs and mushrooms that have been used for centuries to promote health, vitality, and longevity. These herbs have powerful medicinal properties and are an essential part of many wellness routines.

Tonic herb chocolate bark, a gift from the gods.
Cacao has a long and rich history, dating back to the ancient Mesoamerican cultures of the Mayans and Aztecs. The Mayans believed that cacao was a gift from the gods, and the Aztecs used cacao beans as currency.

Meet Jun, kombucha’s slightly sweeter sister.
We all know kombucha, but today I want you to meet his slightly sweeter sister. Meet Jun, also called the champagne of Kombucha. Just like kombucha, Jun is a fermented tonic, but made with organic green tea and raw honey instead of black tea and sugar.

The perfect bedtime drink.
Did you know that our body needs fuel in order to sleep? It's essential to provide energy to our body in order to promote restorative processes, since lots of healing takes place during the night.
A warming congee recipe.
It’s deep winter here in the North Eastern States, and the chill of the cold air has become a familiar feeling. The vibrant colors of fall have been replaced by a blanket of white snow and the skies are left gray and gloomy.